The NUMBERED links which follow the entries below lead to the section of the police code which correspond to the page of the original book on which the entry was located; they do not link directly to individual entries.
The ALPHABETICAL links go to the appropriate section of this index.
~ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ ~
Abandoning children [1]
Abduction [1]
Abortion [1]
Absconding from duty [2]
-- delinquents [200]
Abusive language [2]
Access to premises [2], [20]
Acessories to crimes [2]
-- after the fact [2]
-- before the fact [2]
--, Murder [159]
Accidental death [3]
Accidents [3]
-- in factory or workshop [3]
-- in public places [3]
-- in streets [3], [6]
--, Motor car concerned [156]
-- on work authorised by Parliament [3]
--, Points to be attended to [4]
Accomplices [2], [4]
--, King's evidence [141]
Accounting, False [95]
Accusations of crime [228]
Acquittal [4]
Actions against police [4]
Acts of Parliament [5]
Administering oaths [165]
Adulteration of food [5]
-- of seeds [5]
Advertisements, Betting by [22]
--, Indecent [121]
Advertising reward re stolen property [6]
--, Jewel larcenies [128]
--, Reward bills [207]
Affidavit [6]
Affiliation order [19]
Affirmations [6]
Affray [6]
Agencies, Private inquiry [195]
Agents, Frauds by [6]
Aggravated assault [15]
Aid to the injured [6]
Aiders and abettors [3]
Aiding prisoners to escape [7]
Alarm of fire [7]
Alcoholic mania [78]
Aliens [7]
--, Expulsion of [7]
Aliens, Immigrants, undesirable [8]
--, Immigration of [7]
Allowances, Compassionate [45]
Alms, Collecting fraudulently [21], [97]
Ambassadors exempt from proceedings [196]
Ambulances [9]
Anarchism [9]
Anarchist outrage, Precautions against [10], [168], [212]
Animals [11]
--, Advertisement of stolen [114]
--, Baiting [56]
--, Cruelty to [11], [55]
--, Cruelty to, by drovers [76]
--, --, Evidence to be obtained [57]
--, Diseases of [69]
--, Exposing for sale [86]
--, Fighting [56]
--, Injured [127]
--, In possession of prisoners [107]
--, Killing and maiming [11], [59]
--, Noisy [163]
--, Poisoning [56], [180]
--, Protection of [55]
--, Stealing [11]
--, -- deer [62]
--, -- dogs [11], [74]
--, -- horses [114]
--, -- sheep [216]
--, Straying [32]
--, Unfit for food [6]
Annoyance [11]
Anonymous letters [45]
Antecedents of prisoners [11]
Anthrax [69]
Apoplexy, mistaken for drunkenness [77], [174]
Appeals by prisoners [12]
--, Licensing [133]
Appointments, return of [206]
Apprehension [12], [51]
-- by warrant [12]
--, Request by other forces [205]
-- without warrant [12], [13]
Apprehension of beggars [21]
-- of deserters [64]
Apprentices, Failing to provide for [14]
Apprentices, Causing bodily harm to [14]
Aqueducts, Destruction of [25], [59]
Area gates, Open [14]
-- thieves [14]
Argument by police [14]
Armlets [14], [79]
Arms, Unlawful training in [235]
Army reservists, Police [182]
Arrest [15]
--, Detection of crime [65]
--, Extradition oases [90]
--, Illegal [119]
-- without warrant [12], [13]
Arson [15], [58]
Assaults, Aggravated [15]
--, Common [15]
--, Indecent [15]
-- on police [15], [128], [207]
-- resulting in bodily harm [15]
Assembly, Unlawful [208], [235]
Assistance to police [16]
Assizes, Duties of police at [215]
Assuming the character of a constable [16]
Attempted crime [16]
-- murder [159]
-- suicide [223]
Attention [16]
Attic larcenies [16]
Attorney, Power of [184]
Authorities, Local [144]
--, Parochial and visitors [170]
~ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ ~
Baby-farming [17]
Backing warrants [17], [238]
Bagatelle boards, keeping [23]
Bail [17]
-- by magistrates [18]
-- by police [18]
--, Definition [17]
--, Drunken persons [77]
--, Facilities for [191]
--, Failure to appear [18]
--, Justifying [140]
--, Recognizances [203]
--, Sureties failing to produce principals [18]
Bailees [18]
Balls, Private, extra police at [195]
--, Regulation of traffic [31]
Banana peel on pavement [169]
Bank Notes, Forgery of [18]
--, Lost or stolen [19]
--, Stopping [19]
--, Tracing of [19]
Bankrupts [19]
Bastardy orders [19]
Bathing, Indecent [121]
Battery, definition [20]
Bawdy houses [20], [26], [70]
Beats [20]
--, Rules to be observed [20]
Beer houses [21], [129], [200]
Beggars [21]
Begging, Children [21], [38], [123]
Bells [21]
Bestiality [21]
Betting [21]
-- advertisements [22]
-- houses [21], [70]
-- in public houses [137]
-- in public places [22]
-- in streets [22]
-- on highways [22]
Bicycles, on highways [23]
Bigamy [23]
Bill in criminal cases [23]
Billiards [23]
Bills, Indecent [122]
--, offering reward [207]
Birds [24]
--, Cruelty to [24]
--, Protection of Wild [24]
--, Stealing [24]
Births, Concealment of [46]
--, Registration of [204]
Black List [79]
Blackmail [24], [228]
Boats conveying explosives [87]
Bonâ fide travellers, Sale of intoxicating liquor to [135]
Bonds [24]
--, Forged [24]
Bonfires in public places [25]
Books, Obscene [166]
Borrowing money by police [25]
Bottle collecting [14], [214]
Boxing contests [25], [196]
Bravery, Acts of [25]
Brawling [71]
Breach of the peace [25]
--, Abusive language [2]
--, Challenging to fight [34]
Bread, sale of [239]
Breaking and entering [27], [115]
-- into houses by false keys [96]
-- doors in pursuit of prisoners [13]
Bribery of police [25], [136]
Bridges [25]
--, Damaging [25], [59]
Brothels [26], [70]
--, Children in [39]
--, Women and girls, Offences against [242]
Buildings, Damage to [58]
--, Stealing lead, etc., from [142]
Bullies [199]
Burden of proof [26]
Burglars, efforts to trace [27]
Burglary [27]
--, Finger prints [28]
Burial [28]
Burns, Treatment of [102]
Bye-laws, Local [28]
--, Employment of children [39]
--, Lights on vehicles [143]
~ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ ~
Cabmen, Offences of [29]
Cab standings [30]
Cabs [29]
--, Unfit [29]
Calling persons in morning [20]
Canals, damage to [59]
Cardsharping [31]
Caretakers, Irregularities of [82]
Carnal knowledge, etc. [242]
Carpet beating [164]
Carriage larcenies [32]
Carriages [31]
-- at balls. etc. [31]
--, Dog [73]
--, Hackney [108]
--, Larcenies from [32]
--, Royal [31]
Cattle driving [76]
--, Drunk in charge [76]
-- plague [32], [69]
-- stealing, maiming, killing [11], [32], [59]
--, Straying [32]
-- worried by dogs [72]
Causing death [32]
Cautionary notices [181]
Cautioning a prisoner [33], [201]
Cautions by police [32]
Cellar flaps, Attention to [20]
Cells, Police regs. [33]
Cemeteries [34]
Central Association for Aid of Discharged Convicts [185]
Central Criminal Court Sittings, Duties of police at [215]
Certificates of previous convictions [189]
Chaff-cutting machines [34]
Challenging to fight [34]
Chapels, Damage to [58]
Character, Evidence of [34]
--, Obtaining situation by false [95]
-- of a constable, Assuming the [16]
Charge, Declining to, a prisoner [46], [241]
--, of stations [35]
Charges by police [35]
Charitable contributions, Fraudulently obtaining [97]
Chattel, Definition [35]
Cheating at play [35]
Child abandonment [1]
Child, Baby-farming [17]
--, Betting with [22], [23]
--, Definition of [35]
-- murder [40] [124]
-- stealing [36]
Children, Begging [21], [38], [123]
-- beyond control of parents [123]
--, Brothel, frequenting [39], [123]
--, Burning or scalding [39]
--, Carnally knowing or seducing [36], [39], [242]
--, Criminal responsibility [36]
--, Dangerous performances by [37]
--, Defilement of [36]
--, Destitute [123]
--, Drunken person with [37], [39]
--, Employment of, restrictions [39]
--, Explosives, selling to [88]
-- found [36]
-- -- dead [36]
--, Illegitimate [19], [119]
--, in bar of licensed premises [37], [137]
--, Incorrigible [120]
--, Industrial schools [123]
--, Infanticide [124]
--, Neglect of [38]
--, Offences against [36]
--, Offences of [36]
--, Pawning, articles [170]
--, Performing or selling during prohibited hours [38]
--, Prevention of cruelty to [38]
--, Reformatory schools [203]
--, Selling intoxicating liquor [37], [136]
--, Smoking by [39]
--, Street trading [39]
--, Under 5, giving intoxidating liquor to [37]
--, Vaccination [236]
--, Youthful offenders [246]
Chimney sweepers [40]
Chimneys on fire [40]
Choking persons [40]
Christmas lotteries [146]
Chronographs for timing motors, etc. [156]
Churches, Breaking into [211]
--, Damage to [58]
--, Indecent behaviour, etc. in [71]
Cigarettes, Children smoking [39], [40]
Cinematograph exhibitions [40]
Circumstantial evidence [41]
Civil actions, police concerned in [4], [42]
Civility [20], [42], [50]
Classification and uses of finger prints [99]
Clipping coin [53]
Closing of public houses [134]
Clubs [42]
--, Offences in [42]
--, Registration of [42]
--, Search warrant for [43]
Coal mines, damage to [59]
Coal, sale of [239]
Cock-fighting [43]
Coercion of married women [116]
Coin, Counterfeit [53], [54]
--, --, Arrests [54]
--, Offences [53]
Coining [43]
Collections in street [43], [220]
Colonies, Surrender of criminals to or from [44]
Coloured lights in thoroughfares [90]
Commendations, medals [150]
Common assault [15]
-- law [5]
-- lodging houses [44]
-- nuisance [26], [44]
-- -- on highways [164]
Communications, Confidential [45]
--, Privileged [195]
-- to police [45], [52]
Compassionate allowance [45]
Competency of witnesses [45]
Complaints against police [46]
-- by police [46], [175]
Compounding felonies and misdemeanors [46]
Concealment of birth [46]
Conditions of police service [47]
Conduct, False pretence by [95]
-- money to witnesses [47]
Confessions [33], [47]
Confidence trick [48]
Confidential communications [45], [195]
Consent [49]
-- when not recognised by law [49]
Conspiracy [49]
Conspirators [50]
Constables, Absconding from duty [2]
--, Assuming character of [16]
-- duties [50]
-- on beat duty, rules for [20], [50]
--, Special [219]
Constabulary Forces [50]
Contraband goods [51]
Convictions, Previous [188]
Convict Supervision Officer [51]
Convicts [51], [184]
--, on licence [52], [184]
Convicts, Photographs of [51]
Co-operation of police [52]
Coroners [52]
--, Inquests by [52], [61], [127]
-- juries [139]
Correspondence [45], [52]
Corrosive fluid throwing [53], [88]
Corruption, Prevention of [184]
Counterfeit coin [53]
-- Arrests [54]
-- medals [54]
County Councils [54]
Court of Summary Jurisdiction [223]
Courts, Juvenile [247]
Credit by false pretences [97]
Cremation [55]
Crime, Accessories to [2]
--, Accusation of [228]
-- Acts, Prevention of [184]
--, Attempt to commit [16]
--, Burden of proof [26]
--, Confessions [47]
--, Conspiracy to commit [49]
--, Definition [55]
--, Detection of [65]
--, Evidence necessary to convict [55]
--, Inciting to [120]
--, Investigation of [65]
--, Services of C.I.D. officer in serious cases [66]
Crimes, List of principal, not requiring warrant to arrest [13]
Criminal appeals [12], [55]
-- cases, Bill in [23]
-- indictments [123]
-- proceedings, Persons exempt from [196]
Criminals, Habitual [108], [176], [187]
Crops, Damage to [59]
Cross-examination [55], [85]
-- on written notes [152], [164]
Crowds, Pickpockets in [176]
Crown Office subpœnas [223]
Cruelty to animals [55], [76]
-- -- Evidence to be obtained [57]
-- -- Malicious Damage [11]
-- to birds [24]
-- to children [38]
Culpable negligence [113]
Custody of prisoners [190]
--, Rescue from [206]
Cycles on highways [23]
--, Motor [155]
~ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ ~
Damage to property [58]
--, Malicious Damage Act, offences under [58]
Damage by explosives [88]
-- by lead, etc. stripping [142]
-- to bridges, etc. [25]
-- to drinking fountains [105]
-- to fences [98]
-- to railways [202]
-- to trees, shrubs, etc. [232]
-- to vessels [59] [245]
-- to viaducts [25]
-- to woods [245]
--, Wilful [58]
Dangerous performances by children [37]
Dead bodies, Finding of [52], [61]
-- --, Burial of [28]
-- --, Cremation of [55]
-- --, Disposing unlawfully of [28]
-- --, Examination of [61]
-- --, Inquest on [52], [127]
-- --, Photographing of [62]
Dead body, Finding child's [36]
Dealers in old metal [169]
Death, Accidental [3]
-- by misadventure [62]
-- by violence [159]
--, Causing [32]
--, Registration [204]
--, Signs of [61]
Declaration, Dying [80]
--, False [174]
Deer Stealing [62]
Defilement of children [36], [62]
-- of girls [37], [39], [62]
-- of women [62]
Demanding property with menaces [62]
---, Threats and threatening letters [227]
Depositions [62]
-- of persons ill [80] [242]
Description of persons wanted, etc. [62]
-- of property stolen [64]
Deserters [64]
--, Concealing, etc. [65]
--, Merchant shipping [152]
Deserting families [65]
Desertion [65]
Destitute persons [65]
Detection of crime [65]
-- --, Use of telegraph in [226]
Detectives [67]
--, Conduct and duties of [67]
--, Services of C.I.D. officer in serious cases [66]
Detention, Places of [245]
Direct evidence [85]
Director of Public Prosecutions [68]
Discharging firearms [68]
Discipline [68]
Disease, Infectious [125]
Diseases of animals [69]
Dismissal of police [70]
Disobedience of orders [70]
Disorderly houses [70]
--, Preferring complaint against [70]
Disputed ownership of property [234]
Dissuading witnesses from testifying [70]
Distraint of goods [70]
Disturbing the public peace [208]
Divine Service [71]
Divisions [71]
Divorce proceedings [71]
Documentary evidence [71]
Document, False [104]
Documents, Privileged [195]
Dogs [71]
-- Act of 1906 [71]
-- carriages [73]
--, Cattle, Carcases unburied [73]
-- --, injury to [72], [73]
--, Dangerous [72]
--, Ferocious [73]
-- fighting [43]
-- found [71]
--, Importation of [73]
-- killing [73]
-- licences [74]
--, Mad [73], [148]
--, Muzzling of [72]
--, Orders of Board [72]
--, Persons bitten [74]
--, Rabies [69], [74]
--, Register [72]
-- stealing [11], [74]
--, Stray [71]
--, Used for draught [57], [73]
Domestic larcenies [214]
-- quarrels [116]
Door mats, Shaking [164]
Doors and windows open [2], [20], [75]
Drilling, Unlawful [235]
Drinking [75]
--, Bribing police [25]
-- fountains, Damage to [105]
Driver asleep, or not holding the reins [75]
Driving furiously [105]
Drovers [76]
Drowning, Treatment of persons rescued from [76], [231]
Drugging [76]
Drugs, Adulteration of [5]
Drunkard, Habitual [78]
--, Selling liquor to [137]
Drunken cabmen [30]
Drunken persons [76]
-- -- in charge of cattle [76]
-- -- in charge of child [37]
-- -- in possession of firearms [76]
-- --, Selling liquor to [136]
-- postmen [183]
-- prisoner, visits to [33]
Drunkenness [76]
-- and insensibility [77], [174]
Duties, Import, Evasion of [217]
-- of Constables [50]
-- of Inspectors [128]
-- of Sergeants [214]
--, Special police [219]
Duty [79]
--, Absconding from [2]
--, Neglect of [162]
--, Parading for [170]
Dwelling-house, Definition [80]
--, Damage to [58]
--, Entering to commit felony [80]
Dying declarations [80]
~ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ ~
Education of police [81]
Ejectment warrants [238]
Elections [81]
--, Personation at [174]
Embezzlement [82]
-- by police [182]
Emetics against poison [179]
Emigrant ships [153]
Empty houses [82]
Endorsement of warrants [238]
Engravings [28], [83]
Enlistment, Foreign [103]
Enquiries, method of making [148]
Epizootic lymphangitis [69]
Erasures [83]
Escape from reformatories [203]
-- of prisoners [83], [230]
Evidence [84]
-- as to handwriting [108]
--, Circumstantial [41]
--, Depositions of persons ill [80]
--, Documentary [71]
--, Dying declarations [80]
--, Hearsay [110]
--, How to give [62], [84]
-- of character [34]
-- of husband and wife [116]
--, Opinions in [169]
--, King's [141]
--, Previous convictions [188]
-- -- Character, evidence of [34]
-- -- Warders, proving by [237]
--, Record in pocket book [51], [152]
--, Witnesses [84], [152]
Examination of witnesses [85]
Exercising horses [86]
Exhibit, Definition [86]
Exhibition, Indecent [122], [210]
Expenses of police [86]
Experts in handwriting [86]
Expirees, Definition [87]
Explosives [87]
--, Care in dealing with [89]
--, Conveyance of [87]
--, Hawking or selling [88]
--, Manufacture and storing of [87]
Exposure, Indecent [121], [210]
Extortion [90]
Extradition [90]
-- treaties [90]
~ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ ~
Factories and workshops [94]
--, Accidents in [03]
Factory, Explosives [89]
Fairs [95]
False accounting [95]
-- character [95]
-- declaration [174]
-- document [104]
-- keys [96]
-- personation [174]
-- pretences [97]
-- -- distinguished from larceny [141]
-- --, Long firm frauds [145]
-- --, Obtaining money by [35], [97]
-- statements [174]
Families, Desertion of [65]
Fanlights, Attention to [20]
Farcy [69]
Fares, Police railway [202]
Fastenings to houses [98]
Felonies, Compounding [46]
Felony [98]
Female prisoners, Searching of [213]
Females [98]
Fences, Damage to [60], [98]
Ferocious dogs [98]
-- -- at large [73]
Fight, Challenging to [34]
--, Prize [196]
Finding property [98]
Finger print system of identification [99]
Finger prints, Burglary [27]
-- --, Explosive substances [89]
-- --, Murders [160]
-- --, Record at C.S.O. [51] [100]
Fire Brigade stations, etc., Police to know [102]
--, Chimneys on [40]
Firearms, Discharging [68]
--, Drunk in possession of [76]
--, Licences for [107]
--, Pistols [177]
Fires [100]
--, Powers of police at [101]
Fireworks [102]
--, Throwing in thoroughfares [90]
First aid [6]
First offenders [102]
Forbearance and moderation [103]
Foreign enlistment [103]
-- motor cars [158]
-- Sovereigns, etc. [196]
Foreigners [104]
Forgery [104]
-- of bank notes [18]
-- of bonds [24]
-- of receipts [202]
Form of indemnity for delivery of property [123]
-- of oath [165]
-- of personal description [063]
-- of proclamation in riots [208]
Fortune telling [105]
Found, Dogs [71]
--, property [98]
--, treasure [230]
Fountains, Damage to [105]
Fowl-stealing [105]
Franchise [81]
--, Personation [174]
Fraud [105]
Frauds, Long firm [145]
Fraudulent bankrupts [19]
-- trustees [234]
Fruit, skin on pavement [169]
-- stealing [105]
Fugitives from and to colonies [93]
-- foreign countries [90]
-- other countries [94]
Furious driving or riding [105]
Furniture removing to avoid payment of rent [106]
~ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ ~
Gambling [106]
-- in public houses [136]
-- in refreshment houses [204]
Game licences [106]
--, Taking or destroying [177]
--, Trespassing [232]
Gaming houses [106]
-- --, Disorderly house [70]
Gifts for calling persons [20]
Girls, Abduction of [1]
--, Carnal knowledge of or seduction, etc. [36], [39], [242]
--, Defilement of [36], [39]
--, Indecent assaults on [15]
-- --, When consent not recognised [49]
Glanders or farcy [69], [107]
Glove fights [107], [196]
Goods, Contraband [51]
--, Distraint of [70]
--, Finding of lost [98]
--, Obtaining by false pretences [97]
-- --, Long firm frauds [145]
Gossiping [20], [107]
--, Females in street [98]
Grain, Poisonous [56]
Grand juries [139]
Gratuities and pensions [172]
-- for calling persons [20]
-- to police [25], [32]
Gratuity to constables' widows, etc. [173]
Greenyards [107]
--, Animals taken to [32], [56]
Grievances, complaints and petitions by police [46], [175]
Grievous bodily harm [107]
Grocers' licences [107], [130]
Guilty knowledge [107]
Gun licences [107]
Gunpowder, Explosives [87]
Guns, spring, setting [149]
~ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ ~
Habeas corpus [108]
Habitual criminal [1087], [187]
-- drunkard [78], [108]
Habitual Criminals Register
Hackney carriages [108]
Handbills [177]
--, Obscene [177]
Handcuffs [108]
--, When used [191], [230]
Handwriting [108]
--, Experts in [86]
Hanging, Treatment of persons rescued from [231]
Harbouring police [177], [136]
-- prostitutes or thieves [109], [136], [137]
Hawkers [109]
Hawking explosives [88]
-- petroleum [175]
Hearsay evidence [110]
High treason [9], [110]
Highways [110]
--, Betting and gambling on [22]
--, Intoxicating liquor consumed on [137]
--, Locomotives on [144]
--, Obstructions [164], [166]
- Offences on, List of [110]
Home Office [112]
Homicide [112]
-- becoming manslaughter [113], [149]
-- becoming murder [113], [149], [159]
Hop-binds, Destroying [59]
Horseflesh, Sale of [113]
Horse slaughtering [113]
-- stealing [114]
Horses, Driving without control [75]
--, Exhibiting for sale or exercising, etc. [86]
--, Export of [114]
--, Injured in streets [114]
--, Runaway [113]
Hotel larcenies [114]
Housebreaking [115]
-- implements [115]
Houses, Bawdy [20], [26], [70]
--, Beer [200]
--, Betting [21], [70]
--, Common lodging [44]
--, Disorderly [70]
--, Dwelling [80]
--, Empty [82]
--, Empty, Marking [150]
--, Fastenings to [98]
--, Gaming [106]
--, Public [200]
--, Public dancing [70]
--, Refreshment [204]
Human being, Definition of [113]
Husband and Wife [116]
--, Evidence of [116]
--, Protection order [117]
--, Quarrels between [15], [116]
~ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ ~
Identification of prisoners [117]
-- By finger prints [99]
--, Rules for [117]
Idiots, Carnal knowledge of [243]
Idle and disorderly persons [118], [211]
--, Beggars [21], [210]
Ignorance of Law [119]
Illegal arrest [4], [12], [119]
-- pawning [119], [171]
-- wearing of uniforms [234]
Illegitimate children [019], [119]
Illness in streets [3], [6]
--, Discrimination between drunkenness and [77], [174]
-- in public places [3]
Illustrated circular [52]
Immigrant ship [8]
Immigrants, undesirable [8]
Importation of dogs [73]
Incendiarism [15], [58]
Incest [119]
Inciting to crime [120]
Incompetency of witnesses [120]
Incorrigible children [120]
-- rogues [120]
Indecency [120]
--, with males [120], [218]
Indecent advertisements [121]
-- assault [15], [121]
-- bathing [121]
-- exhibitions [122], [210]
-- exposure [121], [210]
-- language [122]
-- prints, exhibitions or [122]
Indemnity for property [123]
Indemnity, Form of [123]
Indictments [123]
--, Previous convictions [189]
Industrial schools [123]
--, Children escaping from [124]
Inebriates [78], [124]
Infanticide [124]
Infants, baby-farming [17]
--, Betting with [22]
--, Borrowing money [23]
Infected places and districts [69]
Infectious diseases [125]
-- in common lodging houses [44]
Informality, Police proceedings [126]
Informants [67]
Information [126]
-- preceding the issue of a warrant [237]
Informations, printed [190]
Informers to police [126]
Injured, Aid to the [6]
-- animals [127]
-- persons [3], [6], [127]
Inquests [28], [52] [127]
Inquiries, Mode of making [127], [148]
Inquiry agencies [195]
Insane persons [127], [146]
Insanity [127]
Insects and pests [128]
Insensible persons found [77], [174]
Inspectors of police, Duties of [128]
Interference [128]
International travelling motor pass [158]
Interrogation of prisoners [14], [128]
Intimidation [128]
Intoxicating liquors, Law regarding [76], [129]
-- --, licensed persons, offences by [136]
-- --, selling or giving to children [77], [136]
Investigation of crime [65]
~ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ ~
Jewel larcenies [138]
Judges, His Majesty's [139]
Judicial separation [71]
Juries [139]
Jurisdiction of police [139]
--, Summary [223]
Justice, Assisting [207]
-- Obstruction of [166]
Justifying bail [140]
Juvenile Courts [247]
-- Offenders [140]
-- smoking [39], [140]
~ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ ~
Keeping observation [140]
Keys, false, Larceny by [96]
-- of premises [140]
Kidnapping [140]
Killing [140]
King's evidence [141]
-- Police medal [151]
Knackers [113], [141]
Knocking at doors [21]
Knowledge, Guilty [107]
~ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ ~
Labour disputes, Police duties [222]
Ladders as means of felonious access [2], [28], [141]
--, Jewel larcenies [138]
Language, Abusive, threatening etc. [2], [227]
--, Indecent [122]
Lanterns [141]
Larcenies, Attic [16]
--, Carriage [32]
--, Hotel [114]
--, Jewel [138]
--, Portico [182]
Larceny [141]
-- by inmates [214]
--, Simple [217]
Law, Ignorance of [119]
Lead stripping [142]
Leading questions [142]
Letters, Anonymous [45]
--, Boxes [142]
--, Stealing [183]
--, Threatening, Sending [227]
-—, to police [45] [52]
Libel [142]
Libraries, Public, Refusing to leave [233]
Licence holders [51]
Licences, Authorities for [143]
--, Billiards [23]
--, Cabs and cabdrivers [30]
--, Cinematograph exhibitions [41]
--, Dogs [74]
--, Explosives [87]
--, Fairs [95]
--, Game [106]
--, Grocers to sell intoxicating [107], [130]
--, Gun [107]
--, Hawkers [109]
--, Houses for cattle slaughter [113]
--, Intoxicating liquors [129]
--, Licensed victuallers [129]
--, Local authority [144]
--, Locomotives [145]
--, Motor [157], [159]
--, Petroleum [175]
--, Refreshment house [204]
--, Register of, intoxicating liquor [130]
--, Theatres and Music halls [227]
Licensed convicts [52], [184]
-- victuallers [143]
-- --, Offences by [136]
Light locomotives [145], [155]
Lights on vehicles [143]
--, Bicycles [23]
--, Locomotives [145]
--, Motor cars [158]
Limitation of proceedings [143]
Liquors, Intoxicating, Sale of [37], [76], [129]
Lithography, Use of [144]
Loan office swindlers [144]
Local Acts [5]
-- authorities [144]
Locomotives on bridges [26]
-- on roads [144]
Lodging-houses, Common [44]
Loiter, Police not to [20]
Long firm frauds [145]
Lost property [146]
-- --, Duty on finding [146]
Lotteries [146]
Lunatics [127], [146]
--, Provision of Lunacy Acts [146]
~ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ ~
Machinery, Damaging [59], [148]
Mad dogs [73], [148]
Magazine, Power of ejectment [89]
Magistrates, Remarks by [139]
Mails, Offences in connection with [183]
Making enquiries [148]
Malice, Definition [149]
Malicious damage to property [58]
-- injury to animals [11]
Malingering by police [149]
-- by prisoners [149]
Manslaughter [149]
Man-traps [149]
Marine store dealers [150]
Marines, Desertion of [64]
--, False character [96]
Marking places at night [150]
--, Beats [20]
--, Ladders [141]
Married women [150]
-- --, Coercion of [116]
-- -- screening husbands [116]
Married women's property [117]
Masters' and mistresses' duty as regards servants [114]
Matrons [150]
Mats, Shaking of [164]
Meal, Obtaining by false pretences [97]
Measures and weights [238]
Medals, Counterfeit [54]
— Granting and wearing of [150]
Meetings [151]
--, Political [82]
--, Unlawful assembly [235]
Memorials from police [152]
--, Petitions
Memory [152]
Menaces, Demanding property with [62], [152]
-- Threats and threatening letters [227]
Merchant shipping [152]
-- Crimes committed at sea [212]
Metal dealers [169]
Metropolitan police [153]
-- -- jurisdiction of [139]
Midwives [153]
Military and police [218]
Mines, Damage to [59]
Misadventure, Death by [001], [153]
Miscarriage [1], [153]
Misconduct of police [153]
--, Dismissal [70]
--, Drinking [75]
--, Faults likely to be committed [153]
Misdemeanor [154]
Misdemeanors, Compounding [46]
Mistakes by police [154]
Money, borrowing by infants [23]
-- Borrowing by police [25]
--, Conduct [47]
-- expended in public service [86]
Money lending to police [25]
Money-lenders [155]
Motor cars [155]
-- --, Foreign [158]
-- --, Heavy, on bridges [26]
-- --, International Circulation Act [158]
-- --, Subject to Highway Act [23]
-- omnibuses [155], [158]
-- traffic [155]
Municipal elections [81]
-- --, Personation [174]
Murder [159]
-- of children [124]
Museums, Trespass in [233]
Musical copyright [161]
Music halls [161], [227]
--, Street [221]
Mutiny [162]
~ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ ~
National Vigilance Association [240]
Neatness [162]
Necessaries of life [200]
Necessity as an excuse [162]
Neglect of children [38]
-- of duty [162]
Negligence, Culpable [113]
Newspapers, Information to [163]
-- Hawking [163]
Night, Definition [27], [178]
--, Marking places at [150]
--, Poaching [178]
Noisy Animals annoying [163]
-- motor 'buses [159]
Notes, Collaboration [164]
--, Reference to in witness box [152], [164]
Notices, Police [181]
Noxious drugs, Administering [76]
Nuisance, Common, Definition [44]
--, Brothel keeping [26]
-- in streets, etc. [164]
Numbers on collars and helmets. [165]
~ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ ~
Oath [165]
--, Administration of [165]
--, Form of [166]
--, Unlawful [166]
Obscene advertisements [121]
-- language [122]
-- prints, exhibitions or songs [122], [177], [210]
-- publications [142], [166]
Observation, Keeping [140], [166]
--, Pickpockets [177]
Obstruction of footpaths [103], [164], [166]
-- of highways [164], [166]
-- -- by performances [173]
Obstruction of highways by preaching [169]
-- -- by prostitutes [200]
--- of justice and police [166]
Obtaining money or goods by false pretences [35], [97], [167]
Occasions, Public [200]
Offenders, Probation of [196]
--, Pursuit of [66], [200]
Offensive trades [165]
Official correspondence [52]
-- secrets, Betrayal of [167]
Old age pensions [168]
Old metal dealers [169]
Omnibuses, cabs, etc. [29]
--, Motor [155] [168]
--, Noisy [159]
Onus of proof [26]
Open-air preaching [169]
Open doors and windows [2], [20], [75]
Opinions [169]
Orange peel on pavement [169]
Orders [170]
--, Disobedience of [70]
--, Separation [214]
Outrages, Public [10], [198], [212]
Ownership, Prisoner's property [170]
-- of property, Disputed [234]
~ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ ~
Palmistry, Offence of [170], [209]
Pamphlets, Indecent, etc. [122], [177]
Parading for duty [170]
Parasitic mange [069]
Parents [170]
Parliament, Acts of [5]
Parliamentary elections [81]
-- franchise [81]
--, Personation at [174]
Parochial authorities and visitors [170]
Passenger steamer, Drunk, etc. on [77],[152]
Pauper lunatics [147]
Pawnbrokers [170]
-- lists [171]
Pawning, Illegal [119]
Peace, Breach of [25] [34]
Pedlars [172]
Pensions and gratuities [172]
Pensions, Old age [168]
Performances in street [173]
Perjury [173]
Personation, False [174]
Persons, Annoyance of [11]
--, Confessions of [47]
-- conspiring together [49]
--, Destitute [65]
-- found insensible [77], [174]
-- injured [3], [6], [127]
-- rescued from drowning, hanging or suffocation [231]
--, Suspected, Arrest of [224]
--, Identification of [117]
--, Keeping observation on [140]
--, Stopping of [20], [27], [60], [224]
-- under police supervision [182]
-- wanted, etc., Descriptions of [62]
-- wanted, Request to apprehend [205]
Pests and insects [128]
Petitions by police [175]
Petroleum [175]
Photographs, Convicts [51]
--, Dead bodies [62]
--, Finger prints [28]
-- --, kept at C.S.O. [51]
--, Habitual criminals [176]
--, Murder cases [160]
--, Records at C.S.O. [51]
Photography [176]
Pickpockets [176]
Pictures, Obscene [122], [210]
Pirated musical works [161]
Pistols [177]
Placards and printed bills [177]
Places of detention [245]
Plague, Cattle [32], [69]
Play, Cheating at [35]
Pleuro-pneumonia in cattle [69]
Poaching [177]
--, Trespassing [232]
Pocket-books [178]
--, Entries in [4], [51], [98], [146], [152]
Points, Fixed [102]
Poisoned grain or seed [56]
Poisoning animals [56], [180]
Poisons and poisoning [179]
Police, Actions against [4]
--, Administration of [54]
--, Admission to bail by [18]
--, Assaults on [15], [128], [207]
--, Assistance to [16]
--, Assuming character of [16]
-- avoiding argument [14]
-- borrowing money [25]
--, Bribery of [25] [136]
--, Civility by [20], [42], [50]
--, Communications to [45], [52]
--, -- between [45], [52]
--, Complaints against [46]
--, -- by [46], [175]
--, Depositions of [62]
--, Dismissal of [70]
-- districts [180]
-- drinking [25], [75]
--, Duty of [79]
--, Education of [81]
--, Embezzling or stealing [182]
-- entering licensed premises [137], [138]
--, Expenses of [86]
-- faults, List of [153]
-- forces, Cooperation between [52]
-- giving evidence [84]
--, Gratuities to [25], [32]
--, Harbouring [109], [136]
-- Inspectors, Duties of [128]
--, Jurisdiction of [139]
-- lending money [25]
--, Liability of [4]
--, Malingering [149]
--, Metropolitan [153]
--, Misconduct of [153]
--, Mistakes by [154]
--, Neglect of duty [162]
--, Notices [181]
--, Obstructing, re diseases of animals [69]
--, --, re duty [166], [207]
--, Offences by [153]
--, Orders to be obeyed [70]
--, Parading for duty [170]
--, Pensions and gratuities [172]
--, Petitions by [175]
--, Private employment of [181]
-- promotion [198]
--, Punishment of [153]
-- putting leading questions [142]
-- quitting without notice [2]
--, Refreshments, obtaining [75], [136]
-- regulations [205]
-- reports [205]
-- reserves [206]
-- reservists [182]
--, Resignation of [205]
--, Resisting [15], [207]
--, Rewards to [208]
-- service, Conditions of [47]
-- standing at attention [16]
-- stealing or embezzling [182]
-- supervision [182]
-- suspensions [225]
--, Unnecessary interference [128]
--, Violation of duty [162]
--, Voting by [81]
--, working beats [20]
Police Gazette [181]
Political meetings [82]
Poor prisoner's defence [182]
Portico larcenies [182]
Post, Indecent matter sent by [122]
--, Letter boxes, damage to [142]
-- letters [183]
-- men, etc. [183]
Post office [183]
-- packets, Stealing [183]
Pounds for animals [32], [56], [107], [184]
Power of Attorney [184]
Preaching in open air [169]
Premises, Access to [2], [20]
--, Keys of [140]
Press, Information to [163]
Pretences, False [97]
Prevention of corruption [184]
Prevention of Crime Acts [184]
-- of cruelty to children [38]
Preventive detention [187]
Previous convictions [188]
--, Evidence of character [34]
--, Warders, proving by [237]
Principals [2]
Printed bills [207]
-- Informations [190]
Prints and songs, Indecent [122], [210]
Prison regulations [194]
-- warders [237]
Prisoners [190]
--, Aiding escape of [7]
--, Antecedents of [11]
--, Appeals [12]
-- as witnesses [242]
--, Cautioning [33] [201]
--, Cells occupied by [33]
--, Charges, how dealt with [35]
--, Character, evidence of [34]
--, Confessions [47]
--, Convictions, previous [188]
-- discharged by Magistrates [4]
--, Escape of [83], [230]
--, Foreigners [104]
--, Handcuffing [108], [91], [230]
--, Identification of [117]
--, Ill, insensible, [174], [192]
--, Interrogation of [14], [128]
--, Interviewing [192]
--, Malingering [149]
--, Photographing [176]
--, Poor, defence of [182]
-- property [192]
--, Prosecutors, withdrawal of [46], [241]
--, Questioning [201]
--, Remands [205]
--, Rescue from custody [206]
--, Searching [212]
--, Statements of [14], [33], [47], [192]
--, Travelling with [230]
--, Venue [236]
--, Visits to [192]
--, Youthful offenders [246]
Prisons [194]
Private Inquiry Agencies [195]
-- parties, etc., Police at [195]
-- employ, Police in [181]
Privileged communications and documents [195]
--, Examinations of witnesses [86]
-- persons [196]
Prize fights [196]
Probation of offenders [196]
-- officers [197], [246]
Proceedings, Divorce [71]
--, Limitation of [143]
Processions [198]
--, Royal [198]
--, --, Anarchist Outrages at [10], [198]
Procuration, women and girls [243]
Procurators fiscal [198]
Production of a prisoner as a witness [198]
Promotion of police [198]
--, Education necessary for [81]
Proof, Burden of [26]
Property, Demanding, with menaces [62], [152]
--, Detaining [192]
--, Disputed ownership of [234]
--, found [98]
-- --, Indemnity when returned [123]
-- --, Police giving up [123]
-- lost [146]
--, Malicious damage to, list of offences [58]
--, Married women's [117]
--, Offences against [58]
--, Pawning another person's [119]
--, Prisoner's [192], [198]
--, Receiving stolen [202]
--, Removal of, in case of fire [101]
-- Stolen [220]
-- --, Advertising [6], [220]
-- --, Descriptions of [64]
-- --, Disposal of [193]
-- --, Engraving [28], [83], [138], [220]
Prosecutions, Withdrawal from [241]
Prostitutes, Police duty regarding [198]
--, Accosting drunken persons [77]
--, Bullies [199]
--, Children residing with [123]
--, Harbouring [109], [136]
Protection of animals [55]
-- Order for married women [117], [200]
Provision of necessaries [200]
Provocation excusing homicide [149]
Public buildings, Damaging [58]
-- carriages [29]
-- houses and publicans [76], [129], [200]
-- --, Paying wages in [137]
-- meetings [151]
-- occasions [200]
-- --, Outrages at [10], [198], [212]
-- Prosecutions, Director of [68]
-- Trustee [234]
Publications, Obscene [166]
Punishment of Incest Act [119]
-- of police [153]
Pursuit of offenders [200]
--, Prisoners' escape of [83]
~ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ ~
Questioning [201]
--, Prisoners [33], [192]
Questions, Leading [142]
Rabies [69], [74]
Raffles [201]
Railways [202]
--, Damage to [59]
--, Illness on [202]
--, Police, conveyance of [202]
-- Stations, Sale of intoxicating liquor [135]
Rape [202], [243]
Re-apprehension of prisoners [4]
Receipts, Forgery of [202]
Receiving stolen goods [202]
Recognisances [18], [203]
Re-examination [85]
Reformatory schools [203]
Refreshment for prisoners [191]
-- houses [204]
-- of police [75], [136]
Refusing assistance to police [16]
Register of clubs [42]
-- of intoxicating liquor licences [130]
Registers, Tampering with [204]
Registration of births, deaths [204]
Regulating of traffic at parties [31], [195]
-- -- generally [205]
-- -- on public occasions [200]
Regulations [205]
Remand homes for youthful offenders [245]
Remands [205]
Rent, Evading payment of [106]
Reports by Police [205]
--, Erasures in [83]
Requests to apprehend [205]
Rescue from custody [206]
Reserves, Police [182]
Reservists, Police [206]
Resignation [206]
Resisting police [207]
Reward bills, Form of [207]
-- for stolen property, Advertising [6], [139], [207]
Rewards, Arresting deserters [65]
--, Assisting justice [207]
-- to police [208]
Riding furiously [105]
Rinderpest [69]
Riot, Definition [208]
-- Act [208]
--, Closing of public houses [135]
--, Damages [209]
--, Unlawful assembly [235]
Riotous behaviour while drunk [76]
-- demolition of houses, etc. [209]
Rivers, Damage to [59]
Robbery [209]
Rogues, Incorrigible [120]
-- and vagabonds, persons treated as [209]
-- -- Indecent exposure [121]
--, Vagrancy [236]
Royal arms [211]
-- carriages, passage of [31]
-- family, Offences against [9], [110]
-- Equerries, duty of [10]
-- standard [211]
Runaway horses [113]
~ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ ~
Sacrilege [211]
Sailors, Desertion of [64], [65]
--, False character [96]
--, Friendship with police [218]
Saluting [211]
Sea, Crimes committed at [212]
Seamen, Merchant [152]
Scalds, Treatment of [102]
Schools, Industrial [123]
--, Reformatory [203]
Search warrants [213]
-- --, Betting houses [21]
-- --, Clubs [43]
-- --, Gaming houses [106]
-- --, Horseflesh, sale of [113]
-- --, Intoxicating liquors [137]
-- --, Procuration [244]
Searching a prisoner [212]
--, Poaching prevention [178]
Secrecy [213]
Secrets, Official [167]
Securities, valuable, Stealing [236]
Seduction of females [213]
Seeds, Adulteration of [5]
--, Poisonous [56]
Self-defence by police [213]
Separation order [117], [214]
Sergeants [214]
Servants, Causing bodily harm to [14]
--, Failing to provide for [14]
--, Irregularities of [82], [214]
--, Police gossiping with [107]
-- presenting false character [95]
-- suspected of offences [214]
Service, Divine [71]
Sessions, etc., duties of police [215]
Sheep pox [69]
-- scab [69]
-- stealing [216]
Ships, crimes committed at sea [212]
--, Destroying [59], [217]
--, Drunk, etc., on [77], [152]
--, Explosives in [87]
--, Immigrant [8]
Shooting [217]
Shopbreaking [217]
Shrubs, Damage to [59]
Shutters, Insecure [217]
Sickness, Feigning [149]
Simple Larceny [217]
Sketches of stolen property [138], [220]
Slander [217]
Slang terms [217]
Slaughtering horses [113]
Slides in streets [217]
Smoking, Juvenile [39]
Smuggling [217]
Sodomy [218]
Soldiers [218]
--, Desertion of [64], [65]
--, False character [96]
--, Friendship with police [218]
Special constables [219]
--, duties [219]
Spitting [219]
Spring guns, Setting [149]
-- traps, Setting [57]
Statements, False [174]
-- of prisoners [14], [33], [47], [192]
State secrets, Disclosure of [167]
Stations, Charge of [35]
--, Persons attending on business [35], [42], [46], [219]
--, Regulations of [219]
Statute Law, Definition [5]
Stealing, animals, fish, etc. [11]
-- birds [24]
-- children [36]
-- deer [62]
-- dogs [11], [74]
-- fowls [105]
-- fruit, etc. [105]
-- horses [114]
Stealing lead, etc., from buildings, etc. [142]
-- postal packets [183]
-- sheep [216]
-- trees, shrubs, etc. [232]
-- vegetable productions [105]
Stolen jewellery [138]
-- property [220]
-- --, Advertising [6], [220]
-- --, Burglaries [28]
-- --, Reward bills [207]
-- goods, Receiving [202]
-- --, Pawning [171]
Stone-throwing [220]
Stowaways [153]
Stray animals [32]
Street Betting Act [71]
-- collections of money [220]
-- crossing, Obstruction of [166]
-- music [221]
-- nuisances [164]
-- performances [173]
--, Slides in [217]
-- trading by children [39]
Stretchers [222]
Strikes, Intimidation at [128]
--, Police duties at [222]
Subpœnas [47], [223]
Subsistence, Persons without means of [210]
Suffocation, Treatment of persons rescued from [231]
Suicide [223]
Summary jurisdiction [223]
Summonses [224]
--, Witness [224]
Superannuation [241]
Supervisees [51], [184]
Supervision of convicts [185]
Surrender of persons from foreign countries [90]
-- -- to and from the colonies [93]
Suspected persons [224]
-- --, about in early morning [28], [116], [225]
-- --, Detention of [20], [27], [60], [224]
-- --, Footmarks of [102]
-- --, Observation on [140]
-- --, Power to arrest [224]
-- --, Stopping by police on fixed points [102]
-- poisoning cases [179]
Suspension of police [163], [225]
Swindlers, loan office [144]
Swindling by confidence trick [48]
Swine fever [69]
~ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ ~
Telegraph, telegrams and telephones, detection of crime [226]
Telegraphic, and telephonic communication, Interfering with [60], [226]
Temper, Command of [226]
-- provoking assaults [16]
Tenants, Damage by [227]
Terms, Slang, forbidden [217]
Territorials, Desertion of [64]
Testifying, Dissuading witnesses from [70]
Testimonials to police [227]
Theatres [227]
--, Regulation of traffic [31]
Theft by police [182]
Thieves, Domestic [214]
--, Harbouring [109], [137]
-- knowledge of beats [20]
Threatening language [2], [227]
-- letters [227]
-- --, Handwriting [108]
Throwing stones [220]
Ticket-of-leave men [229]
Tolls, Police exemption from [229]
Tools, Housebreaking [115], [210]
Traction engines [229]
Trades, Disputes [50], [129]
--, offensive [165]
Traffic regulation at parties [31], [195]
-- -- in streets [31], [229]
-- -- on public occasions [200]
--, Street [229]
Tramways [229]
Traps, spring, Setting [57]
Travellers Aid Society for girls and women [240]
--, Bonâ fide, Sale of intoxicating liquors to [135]
Travelling with prisoners [230]
--, Escape of prisoners [83]
Treason-felony [230]
Treasure trove [230]
Treatment of burns, etc. [102]
-- of persons rescued from drowning, hanging or suffocation [231]
-- of scalds [102]
Trees, Setting fire to [59]
--, Stealing or damaging [232]
Trespass [232]
Trespassing for game, etc. [178]
Trial, Police attending [215]
Truncheons, Use of [191], [234]
Trustee [234]
Truthfulness [51], [84]
Turncocks, residence of [102]
~ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ ~
Unclaimed property, Police surrendering [123]
Undue violence by police [4], [16]
Uniform, Illegal wearing [234]
Uninhabited houses [82]
Unlawful assembly [235]
-- --, riot [208]
-- carnal knowledge [1], [242]
-- drilling [235]
Untruthfulness [51] [84]
Uttering [236]
-- counterfeit coin [53]
-- forged documents [105]
~ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ ~
Vaccination [236]
Vagabonds and rogues [121], [209], [236]
Vagrancy [236]
--, Idle and disorderly persons [21], [118]
Valuable securities, Stealing, &c. [236]
Vegetable productions, stealing [105]
Vehicles, lights on [23], [143]
Venue [236]
Vessels, Damage to [59]
--, Wrecked [245]
Viaducts, Damaging [25], [59], [202]
Violence, Intimidating by [128]
--, Undue, by police [4], [16]
Visitors of the sick, Duty to [170]
Vitriol throwing [76]
Voluntary confessions [33], [47]
Voting at elections [81]
Vouchers for disbursement [86]
~ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ ~
Wages, Paying, in public-houses [137]
Warders of prisons [237]
Warehouse breaking [115]
Warrant, Application for [12]
--, Apprehension by [12]
--, Arrest without [13]
Warrants [237]
--, Backing of [17]
--, Bastardy [19]
--, Betting-houses [21]
--, Distress [70]
--, Ejectment [238]
--, Embezzlement cases [82]
--, Extradition and fugitive offenders [91]
--, Intoxicating liquors [137]
-- --, Procuration [244]
--, Search [213]
-- --, Betting-houses [21]
-- --, Clubs [43]
-- --, Gaming houses [106]
-- --, Horseflesh, Sale of [113]
Weights and measures [238]
White slave traffic [239]
Widows' police pension, etc. [173]
Wife and husband [116], [239]
-- desertion [65]
Wife's protection order [117]
Wild birds [239]
-- --, Cruelty to [24]
-- --, Protection of [24]
Wilful damage [58], [240]
Wills, Tampering with [241]
Window cleaning [241]
Windows left open [2], [20], [75]
Withdrawal from prosecution [241]
Witnesses [241]
--, Accomplices as [3]
--, Charges [35]
--, Competency of [45]
--, Conduct money to [47]
--, Depositions of [62]
--, Dissuading [70]
--, Evidence of [84], [152]
--, Examination of [55], [85]
--, Expert [86]
--, Husband and wife as [116]
--, Incompetency of [120]
--, King's evidence [141]
--, Opinions of [169]
--, Prisoners as [242]
Women [242]
--, Abduction of [1]
--, Abortion [1]
--, Associates of criminals [242]
--, Birth, concealment of [46]
--, Detention in brothels [26]
--, Married [116], [150]
--, Miscarriage of [1]
--, Offences against [242]
--, Procuration [243]
--, Unlawful carnal knowledge [242]
-- --, intercourse [213]
--, White slave traffic [239]
Woods, Damage to [59]
--, Setting fire to [245]
Workshops, Accidents in [3]
--, Employment in [94]
Wounding [245]
Wrecking [245]
Writing, Experts in [86]
--, Identification of [108]
Writ of habeas corpus [108]
~ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ ~
Youthful offenders [246]
-- --. Reformatories [203]
-- --, Remands [205]